This is the ideal reader profile for my magazine. This is to show what the ideal person that would read my magazine would be like; what food they might eat, whether they are employed or not, whether they are students, social class, age range, clothes they might wear and even what possesions they may possess.
Since I already know what type of person the ideal reader for my magazine would be because of the results of my survey but this wasn't made so I could use it as a reference, but instead it was made so that if any brand or company that may benefit from advertising their product in my magazine they can look at what type of people read my magazine and decide whether or not they are they type of people who are part of their target audience. If the readers of my magazine are part of the target audience of product made by a company or brand, then they wil wish to advertise their product in my magazine, this is one of the main purposes of an ideal reader profile.
To make it clear what type of person reads my magazine I have explained what possesions they may have, what they like to do when they go out and also what way of life they follow. Aswell as with text I have used images to actually show the type of drinks, cosmetic products, clothing brands, snacks and technology that the reader consumes.